Sunday, September 01 2013
How Prepared Are You and Your Family? Whether it's a Severe Recession, Flood, Earthquake, Hurricane, or complete End of the World as we know it, each of us MUST be PERSONALLY PREPARED to "weather-the-storm" — and that means kids too. When crisis strikes, (or you see it on the six o'clock news) the time to prepare is over. Sort of like trying to buy insurance when the house is on fire. NOW is the time to SERIOUSLY REVIEW your preparedness supplies while time is on your side. Don't delay, but do involve your children in your prepping plans. Experts know that preparing kids ahead of time and helping them feel like part of the plan is extremely important to their health and well-being. One of the wisest steps toward emergency preparedness you'll ever make is to have long storing food reserves on hand— enough for 2 to 6 weeks (a 4 to 12 month reserve would even be better). Food-related problems are averted if kids are already acclimated to freeze-dried food in advance. Introduce foods to your children BEFORE emergencies so there are no picky-eater meltdowns at a critical time. Here are some tips:
Emergency food supplies are not only a good idea at home, but are ideal for long-term storage at your hooch when you're out gold prospecting, or in a family cabin you might only use during hunting season or on weekends during the summer. TV shows like Doomsday Preppers might seem extreme, but the principles of being prepared are mainstream and very sensible. And what better way to prepare than to make sure you have emergency food in reserve "just in case." Comments: