Sunday, August 18 2013
The goal of Public Lands for the People (PLP) is to uphold constitutional and statutory rights related to the use of appropriated and unappropriated public lands by educating the public about their rights and laws that apply in their activities, and educating the government agencies in their application of those laws.
If, while you are out gold prospecting or mining, metal detecting, working your claim, or otherwise recreating, you are challenged by a respresentative of a governmental agency or by a public servant who wants you to stop doing what you are doing, it is recommended by PLP that you do the following: 1. Politely ask if you are breaking any laws. If you are told that you are breaking a law, then ask for an explanation of the law and any municipal code that may pertain to the law. 2. Do as you are asked by the government representative, then ask them for their name, badge number, position, and agency and district they represent. Record this info. in writing along with the date, time, and location you are in when this happened. 3. Please provide the info. you collect to PLP and they will advise you of the appropriate procedure to follow. 4. If you have a pleasant response from any of the representatives you come into contact with, such as they were being informative, cooperative, or helpful, PLP would like to know about it, too.
PLP is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization whose Mission Statement is: "TO REPRESENT AND ASSIST OUTDOOR USER GROUPS AND INDIVIDUALS INTERESTED IN KEEPING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LANDS OPEN TO PROSPECTING, MINING, AND OUTDOOR RECREATION THROUGH PUBLIC EDUCATION, SCIENTIFIC DATA, AND LEGAL MEANS." For more information about the great work being done by Public Lands for the People, visit their website Comments: