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Garrett Ace 400 Metal Detector with FREE Accessories

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Garrett Ace 400 Metal Detector with Headphones #1141260 - FREE SHIPPING!


LIMITED TIME ONLY!  Add an AT Pro-Pointer for just $102 more!  Use drop down menu to buy both the detector and pinpointer for $459.95 total! That's a $25.95 savings if items purchased separately.

The Garrett Ace 400 metal detector's advanced features make it powerful on coins, jewelry, and artifacts. It's is a real silver finder! Get performance you would expect at a price you won’t expect.

  • Adjustable Frequency: Eliminate or minimize interference caused by electrical sources or from other metal detectors (such as at crowded club hunts, rallies).
  • Iron Audio allows you to hear discriminated iron (normally silenced) to avoid digging undesired flat iron targets such as bottle caps or washers. NOTE: To use the Iron Audio feature, some degree of Iron Discrimination must be set. In this demonstration, the Iron Discrim setting is at 35. Without Iron Audio, both the bottle cap and silver coin sound like good targets. With the Iron Audio, the bottle cap response includes iron “grunts” to indicate this might be a trash target.
  • Digital Target ID - Numeric identification scale from 0 to 99. Identifies a target metal’s conductivity.
  • Electronic Pinpointing - This non-motion All-Metal Mode function is used to precisely locate a detected target’s position.
  • Iron Check - Increased resolution (more pixels) allows more precise control of how much iron discrimination to apply. Very useful in areas where desired treasure targets are being masked by iron trash.
  • Graphic Target Analyzing - Simultaneously shows a treasure target’s conductivity and the detector’s discrimination pattern.

Included with your Ace 400 Metal Detector:

Want more info? Download Garrett Ace 400 Owner's Manual.

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