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 Headphones & Bags 

Every metal detectorist needs lightweight and comfortable headphones, and a carry bag to protect and carry your metal detector, extra coils, and other small accessories. Click on the photos below for details on each product.

TIP: Headphones take much less current to drive than the speaker in your metal detector. This fact by itself would tend to show that you will increase your battery life by using headphones. But remember, even when the detector is not making any noises, the electronic circuits are still running. Every detectorist has a slightly different style and likes a different type of metal detector headphone. Most detectorists like the full-cup style. These phones fit completely over your ear and block out most of the background noise. They work well for when you are trying to hear the faintest of signals. The downside is that if it blocks out surrounding sounds, so you may not hear snakes or other predators or people around you, so stay alert.

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    Garrett MS-2 Headphones - AT Version #1627310

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    Garrett MS-II Headphones #1627300

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    Garrett MS-3 Z-Lynk Wireless Headphones #1627710

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    Garrett All-Purpose Metal Detector Carry Bag #1608700